HNG: UPCOM Admission of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Joint Stock Company (HNG)
On September 10, 2024, HNX announces the official admission of HNG on UPCoM as follows: - Issuer: Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Joint Stock Company - Stock code: HNG - Securities type: common stock - Par value: VND10,000/share - Total volume registered for trading on UPCoM: 1,108,553,895 shares - Total par value registered for trading on UPCoM: VND11,085,538,950,000
> HNG: 18/9/2024, first trading date of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agricultural Joint Stock Company on UPCOM (HNG) (19/09/2024)
> DWS: Board Decision (18/09/2024)
> DSD: Board Resolution (18/09/2024)
> DND: Board Resolution (18/09/2024)
> GHC: Decision on administrative sanctions for tax and invoice violations (18/09/2024)
> HOM: Board Resolution (18/09/2024)
> BVB123025: Report on the results of the public offering (18/09/2024)
> BID121027: Information disclosure on the transactionn (BIDC) (18/09/2024)
> VBB: Amendment in the establishment and operation license of Vietnam Thuong Tin Commercial joint stock bank (18/09/2024)
> VTG: Board Resolution (18/09/2024)