FUEDCMID: Announcement of the change of listing
Announcement of the change of listing of DCVFMVNMIDCAP ETF as follows:
> VMC: 09/09/2024, first trading day of additional listed shares (04/09/2024)
> PJT: Announcement of the change of listing (30/08/2024)
> BAF: Announcement of the change of listing (30/08/2024)
> MHL: 11/09/2024, delisting date of shares (30/08/2024)
> DNC: 12/09/2024, first trading day of additional listed shares (30/08/2024)
> LBM: Decision on the change of listing (29/08/2024)
> BAB122031: 04/09/2024, delisting date of bonds (28/08/2024)
> VC3: 05/09/2024, first trading day of additional listed shares (28/08/2024)
> FUEIP100: Announcement of the change of listing (28/08/2024)