VTH: Notice of transaction of Director (Nguyen Duc Tuong)
- Name of issuer: Viet Thai Electric Cable Corporation - Stock code: VTH - Name of Director: Nguyen Duc Tuong - Position in the listed company: Chair of the Board of Directors - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 2,619,969 shares (33.16%) - Nature of transaction: Order matching & Put-through - Number of shares to be disposed: 2,619,969 shares - Reason for transaction: Decreasing shareholding rate - Expected Start date of transaction: 08/08/2024 - Expected End date of transaction: 05/09/2024
> VTH: Notice of transaction of Director (Tran Van Hung) (07/08/2024)
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> SIP: Decision on tax penalty (06/08/2024)
> SIP: Receiving the Securities Registration Certificate (06/08/2024)
> BSI: Receiving the Securities Registration Certificate (06/08/2024)
> HOSE: Updates on HOSE-Indexes & VNX-Indexes (06/08/2024)
> PSH: PSH signs Auditing Contract (06/08/2024)
> CACB2307: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (06/08/2024)