GEE: BOD resolution on share public offering
BOD resolution on share public offering of Gelex Electricity Joint Stock Company as follows:
> BWE: BOD resolution on buying shares (21/08/2024)
> HOSE: Announcement of settlement prices of covered warrants (21/08/2024)
> DRG: Board Decision (21/08/2024)
> VPA: Notice on stock status (21/08/2024)
> VPA: Decision on the stock remains under trading restriction (21/08/2024)
> NVL122001: Decision of the Chief Executive Officer (21/08/2024)
> NVL122001: Board Resolution (21/08/2024)
> LPB123016: Board Resolution (21/08/2024)
> PSW: Decision on penalties for administrative tax violations (21/08/2024)
> QTP: Board Resolution (21/08/2024)