BSR: Information Disclosure on approving the transaction with an affiliated person
> L40: Result of Treasury stock sale (27/08/2024)
> CC1: Notice of transaction of connected institution (CC1-Holdings Joint Stock Company) (27/08/2024)
> TTG: Result of transaction of major shareholder (Le Khanh Viet) (27/08/2024)
> TTG: Result of transaction of major shareholder (Nguyen Van Son) (27/08/2024)
> TTG: Result of transaction major shareholder (Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tu) (27/08/2024)
> FUEDCMID: Report affiliated person trade - DCVFM (27/08/2024)
> FUEVFVND: Notification Affiliated person trade - DCVFM (27/08/2024)
> FUEVFVND: Report affiliated person trade - DCVFM (27/08/2024)
> VHC: Notification Insider Transaction - Phan Thi Bich Lien (27/08/2024)
> FRT: Report on ownership change of group of affiliated foreign inventors (27/08/2024)