VIC124004: Financial Statements Quarter 2/2024 (Holding company)
> VIC124003: Financial Statements Quarter 2/2024 (Holding company) (24/07/2024)
> BMV: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (24/07/2024)
> HHG: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (holding company) (24/07/2024)
> VDB: Notice on the expected record date for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2024 (24/07/2024)
> GTS: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (holding company) (24/07/2024)
> GTS: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (24/07/2024)
> DWS: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (24/07/2024)
> DWC: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (24/07/2024)
> DTP: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (24/07/2024)
> DSD: Financial Statement Quarter 2/2024 (24/07/2024)