VBA121033: Report on H1.2024 payment of publicly issued bond principal and interesst
> CII424002: Information Disclosure on approving the dossiers of the public offering of bonds (17/07/2024)
> CII42013: Information Disclosure on approving the dossiers of the public offering of bonds (17/07/2024)
> CII121029: Information Disclosure on approving the dossiers of the public offering of bonds (17/07/2024)
> State-owned Agribank to issue $394m worth of bonds to public (17/07/2024)
> HDB: Decision on bond listing (16/07/2024)
> VND122014: Report on H1.2024 payment of bond principal and interest (16/07/2024)
> CII424002: Report on principal and interest payment of CII424002 bonds (16/07/2024)
> CII42013: Report on the payment of bond principal and interest of CII42013 bonds (16/07/2024)
> CII121029: Report on bond principal and interest payments of CII121029 bonds (16/07/2024)