SFI: Report affiliated person trade
Report affiliated person trade of Sea & Air Freight International as follows:
> SFI: Report insider transaction (11/07/2024)
> TNC: Report on the day becoming major shareholders (11/07/2024)
> TNC: Report affiliated person trade (11/07/2024)
> TJC: Notice of transaction of connected institution (TRANSIMEX Corporation) (11/07/2024)
> VE8: Tran Hoai Linh is no longer principal shareholder (11/07/2024)
> HBC: Report affiliated person trade (11/07/2024)
> SBT: Notification insider transaction (11/07/2024)
> EVE: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders - AFC VF Limited (11/07/2024)
> FUEKIVFS: Report affiliated person trade - KOREA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (11/07/2024)
> MFS: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Nguyen Duy Hung) (10/07/2024)