SCL: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Anh Dzung)
- Name of issuer: Song Da Cao Cuong JSC - Stock code: SCL - Securities type: Common stock - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility /Director: Nguyen Anh Dzung - Position in the listed company: Member of the Board of Directors - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 669,492 shares (3.59%) - Number of shares registered for sale: 248,000 shares - Number of shares disposed: 191,000 shares - Total holding following transaction: 478,492 shares - Total percentage holding following transaction: 2.56% - Start date of transaction: 15/05/2024 - End date of transaction: 13/06/2024
> VNA: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Tran Danh Tuyen) (03/07/2024)
> CDR: New principal shareholder ST8 Invesment Development Joint Stock Company (03/07/2024)
> WSB: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (AFC VF Limited) (03/07/2024)
> SBG: Report insider transaction (02/07/2024)
> SFI: Report insider transaction (02/07/2024)
> SFI: Report affiliated person trade (02/07/2024)
> PAC: Report affiliated person trade - Phan Thi Thanh Ha (02/07/2024)
> PVP: Report insider transaction (02/07/2024)
> MSB: Report affiliated person trade - ROX Living (02/07/2024)
> NLG: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (02/07/2024)