LBM: The record date for the additional issue to increase the equity
The record date for the additional issue to increase the equity of Lam Dong Minerals and Building Materials Joint Stock Company as follows:
> DNP: Report on the share issuance results (12/07/2024)
> PVP: Approval for documents of share issuance to pay dividend (12/07/2024)
> HSG: Plan for stock issuance under ESOP (11/07/2024)
> SKG: Result of stock issuance for dividend payment (11/07/2024)
> NTL: BoD approves the result of stock issuance for capital increase (11/07/2024)
> DNC: Notice on the share issuance for dividend payment (11/07/2024)
> PVG: Report on the results of share issuance (11/07/2024)
> YEG: Increasing charter capital (11/07/2024)
> SAS: Notice on transferring investment capital (10/07/2024)