BVL: 18/07/2024, first trading date of additional shares on UPCoM HNX announces the first trading date of additional shares (BVL) on UPCoM as follows:
- Issuer: BV Land Joint Stock Company
- Stock code: BVL
- Securities type: common stock
- Par value: VND10,000/share
- Issue method: Offering shares to the public
- Total volume of additional registered shares: 20,059,480 shares
- Total par value of additional registered shares: VND200,594,800,000
- Total volume after additional trading registration: 77,372,280 shares
- Total par value after additional trading registration: VND773,722,800,000
- First trading date (for 15,027,719 freely transferable shares): 18/07/2024
- First trading date (for 5,031,761 transferred restricted shares): 29/05/2025. HNX