TIN: Notice of record date for share issue to outstanding shareholders 1. Issuer: VietCredit Finance Joint Stock Company
2. Stock code: TIN
3. Par value: VND10,000/share
4. Record date: 03/07/2024
5. Ex-date: 02/07/2024
6. Reason:
* Share issue to outstanding shareholders:
- Number of shares to be issued: 21,041,164
- Exercise rate: 100:30 ((Shareholders are entitled to 01 right for 01 share, for every 100 rights, shareholders are entitled to buy 30 new shares)
- Issue price: VND10,000
- Rounding method: The number of additional shares issued will be rounded to the nearest unit according to the principle of rounding down.
- For odd lot shares and undistributed shares:
All decimal shares (if any) arising will be canceled;
For example: Assume that, according to the list of shareholders entitled to buy shares, shareholder A owns 215 shares. According to the right exercise rate, the number of buying rights shareholder A is entitled to is 215 buying rights, accordingly, shareholder A will have the right to buy an additional number of shares: 215x30:100 = 64.5 shares. Applying the principle of rounding down to the unit, shareholder A can buy 64 new shares. The odd number of shares of 0.5 shares will be cancelled.
+ Plan for handling unsubscribed shares:
• Offering price: The General Meeting of Shareholders authorizes the Board of Directors to decide at the time of issuance but not lower than the offering price to existing shareholders.
• Subjects and methods of distribution: The General Meeting of Shareholders assigns and authorizes the Board of Directors to select and decide on distribution to other investors (including shareholders of the Company who wish to increase own shares) with the principle that the selling price is not lower than the offering price to existing shareholders and ensures compliance with legal regulations.
In case the time limit for distributing shares as prescribed by law expires (including the extended time, if any), if there are still undistributed shares, these undistributed shares will be canceled. and the Board of Directors issues a Resolution/Decision to end the offering and increase charter capital according to the actual number of shares issued.
Transfer restrictions: New shares redistributed to other investors are restricted from transfer for 01 year from the end date of the offering (the end date of collecting money to buy offered securities from investors) according to the law.
- Blocked account:
+ Account name: VietCredit Finance Joint Stock Company
+ Bank name: Ban Viet Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Hanoi branch
+ Account number: 0043333898989
- Stock type: Securities ordered are freely transferable.
- Time for transfer of purchase rights:
+ Start date: 10/07/2024
+ End date: 12/08/2024
- Time for registration:
+ Start date: 10/07/2024
+ End date: 16/08/2024
- Exercise Place:
+ For undeposited shares: VietCredit Finance Joint Stock Company (Address: 17th Floor, Mipec Tower, No. 229 Tay Son, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Office of the Board of Directors).
+ For deposited shares: Securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited.
- Times for transfer of share purchase rights: The right to buy is transferable once. The transferee may not transfer it further to a third party. HNX