LGM: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Hoang Vu)
- Name of issuer: Leather Footwear and Garment Making Exporting Corporation - Stock code: LGM - Securities type: Common stock - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility /Director: Nguyen Hoang Vu - Position in the listed company: Chair of the BOD - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 0 shares (0%) - Number of shares registered for acquisition: 300,000 shares - Number of shares acquired: 295,300 shares - Total holding following transaction: 295,300 shares - Total percentage holding following transaction: 3.99% - Reason for not completing transaction: Change investment plans - Start date of transaction: 16/05/2024 - End date of transaction: 14/06/2024.
> TCB: Notification insider trade (19/06/2024)
> RDP: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (19/06/2024)
> SAV: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (19/06/2024)
> SSB: Notification affiliated person trade - Le Tuan Anh, Nguyen Ngoc Quynh (19/06/2024)
> PDR: Report affiliated person trade (Nguyen Dinh Tri) (19/06/2024)
> PDR: Report insider transaction (19/06/2024)
> PDR: Report affiliated person trade (Nguyen Thi Minh Thu) (19/06/2024)
> SJD: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (19/06/2024)
> ANV: Notification insider trade - Nguyen Thi Nga (19/06/2024)
> OPC: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (19/06/2024)