TPS: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Mai Hong Quy)
- Name of issuer: Sai Gon Transportation Packing Joint Stock Company - Stock code: TPS - Securities type: common stock - Name of principal shareholder: Mai Hong Quy - Number of shares held by the principal shareholder before transaction: 500,000 shares (10%) - Number of shares disposed: 250,000 shares - Total holding following transaction and total percentage following transaction: 250,000 shares (5%) - Purpose of transaction: Personal issue - Date of transaction: 23/05/2024
> TPS: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Ngo Quang Trung) (28/05/2024)
> SBD: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Nguyen Duc Quang) (28/05/2024)
> SBD: The group of shareholders (Tran Anh Tuan, Bui Thi Tho) is no longer major shareholders/investors holding 5% or more of shares (28/05/2024)
> SBD: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Do Van Hao) (28/05/2024)
> HAH: Report on the day nolonger being major shareholders (28/05/2024)
> MSB: Notification affiliated person trade (28/05/2024)
> PDR: Notification affiliated person trade (28/05/2024)
> PAC: Notification affiliated person trade - Phan Thi Thanh Ha (28/05/2024)
> YTC: Notice of transaction in rights to buy/shares/fund certificates/convertible bonds of internal affiliated person of internal person (28/05/2024)
> PHP: Notice on change of affiliated person of PDMR (28/05/2024)