NHC: Result of transaction of connected institution (Nui Nho Stone JSC)
- Name of issuer : Nhi Hiep Brick-Tile Co-Operation - Stock code: NHC - Securities type: Common stock - Name of connected institution: Nui Nho Stone JSC - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility: Mr. Nguyen Quoc Binh - Position in the listed company: Member of the BOD - Number of shares held by person discharging managerial responsibility (PDMR)/Director: 0 shares (0%) - Position in the trading institution: Chief of Supervisory Board - Number of shares held by connected person/ institution before transaction: 0 shares (0%) - Number of shares registered for acquisition: 600,000 shares - Number of shares acquired: 595,242 shares - Total holding following transaction: 595,242 shares - Total percentage holding following transaction: 19.57% - Reason for not completing transaction: Personal - Start date of transaction: 15/04/2024 - End date of transaction: 06/05/2024
> NTH: Notice of transaction of connected person (Mr. Tran Minh Hoa) (10/05/2024)
> NTH: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Tran Minh Huy) (10/05/2024)
> MAC: Result of transaction of connected institution (TM Holding Fund Company Limited) (10/05/2024)
> FUEDCMID: Report affiliated person trade - Nguyen Vinh An fund (03.05.24-07.05.24) (10/05/2024)
> VNS: Notification affiliated person trade - TEAL (10/05/2024)
> HSG: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders (10/05/2024)
> VNS: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders - TEAL (10/05/2024)
> VNS: Report affiliated person trade - TEAL (10/05/2024)
> CII: Report affiliated person trade - Duong Quang Chau (10/05/2024)
> CMG: Notification insider transaction - Nguyen Minh Tue (10/05/2024)