LG9: Change in personnel
Mechanized Construction and Installation Joint Stock Company announced change in personnel as follows: - Mr. La Quang Binh has been appointed Deputy General Manager being in charge of construction engineering and mechanical engineering of the Company for the term 2023-2028 with effect since May 10, 2024; - Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Huong has been appointed Chief Accountant or the term 2023-2028 with effect since May 10, 2024.
> PTV: Change in personnel (17/05/2024)
> CBI: Change in personnel (17/05/2024)
> BHI: Change in Information Disclosure Officer (17/05/2024)
> TTD: Change in personnel (16/05/2024)
> TTD: Resignation letter of Person in charge of Corporate Governance (16/05/2024)
> SID: Change in personnel (16/05/2024)
> TGG: Change in personnel (16/05/2024)
> NAU: Change in personnel (16/05/2024)
> ECI: Resignation letter from member of the Board of Directors – Mr. Luu Van Thinh (16/05/2024)
> VFC: Change in personnel (16/05/2024)