MIE: Notice of stock status
On April 03, 2024, HNX announces the status of Machines and Industrial Equipment Corporation’s shares (stock code: MIE) as follows: MIE shares are put on alert from 03/4/2024 according to Decision No.271/QD-SGDHN dated 03/04/2024 due to the reason(s) that The audit organization have expressed a qualified opinion on the Annual Financial Statements for 03 consecutive years or more as prescribed at Point a Clause 1 Article 33 of the Regulation on registration and management of transactions of unlisted securities promulgated together with the Decision No. 34/QD-HDTV dated November 16, 2022 of the Vietnam Exchange.
> NAW: Decision on continued trading restriction on UPCoM (05/04/2024)
> NAW: Notice of stock status (05/04/2024)
> NDT: Decision on being continued alert (05/04/2024)
> NDT: Notice of stock status (05/04/2024)
> MES: Decision on continued trading restriction on UPCoM (05/04/2024)
> MES: Notice of stock status (05/04/2024)
> NAU: Decision on being continued alert (05/04/2024)
> SRB: Decision on continued alert on UPCoM & Notice on stock status (05/04/2024)
> PRT: Decision on continued alert on UPCoM and Notice of stock status (05/04/2024)
> ATA: Decision on continued trading restriction on UPCoM (05/04/2024)