As of 10/04/2024, pursuant to Decision No. 87QD-UBCK dated 25/01/2017 by the State Securities Commission on the promulgation of the Regulations on giving guidelines on securities margin trading and Decision No.1205/QD-UBCK dated 27/12/2017 on the revision of Decision No. 87/QD-UBCK, Hanoi Stock Exchange announced Official Notice No. 1795/TB-SGDHN for the following stock ineligible for margin trading:
- Issuer: Erection Electromechanics Testing JSC
- Securities type: Common stock
- Stock code: LCD
- Effective date: 12/04/2024
- Additional reason for ineligibility for margin trading: The Company was late in disclosing the Audited Financial Statements 2023 for more than 5 working days from the deadline of information disclosure.
- Other reasons: Stock is under alert and profit after tax in the first 6 months of 2023 in the Reviewed Semi-annual Financial Statements 2023 was negative