C47: C47 put into warning status
C47 put into warning status of Construction Joint Stock Company 47 as follows:
> PPC: Remove stock from warning (06/04/2024)
> FTI: Decision to change from being put under alert to trading restriction (05/04/2024)
> THU: Explanation on securities being put under alert (05/04/2024)
> SJM: Explanation on securities put under alert (05/04/2024)
> SMC: SMC put into warning status (05/04/2024)
> SVD: SVD put into warning status (05/04/2024)
> PEN: Explanation on securities put under warning (05/04/2024)
> BCE: BCE still in the warning status (05/04/2024)
> CRE: CRE put into warning status (05/04/2024)
> HoSE's stock market capitalisation in March rises by 3.1% compared to February (05/04/2024)