REE: Plan for selling treasury shares
Plan for selling treasury shares of Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation as follows:
> CPDR2303: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)
> CSTB2315: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)
> CPOW2304: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)
> CVIC2304: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)
> JVC: Approving the transaction with related parties in 2024 (05/03/2024)
> PET: Signing a credit contract (05/03/2024)
> CCL: Notice of enforcement of judgment (05/03/2024)
> CNVL2303: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)
> CHDB2304: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)
> CHPG2318: Notice of list of holders of covered warrant due to maturity (05/03/2024)