LPB122010: 19/02/2024, delisting date of bonds
On 7/2/2024, HNX officially admitted the delisting of the following stock: - Bond code: LPB122010 - Name of issuer: CMC Joint Stock Company - Securities type: corporate bond - Par value: VND 100,000/bond - Number of delisted bonds: 16,022,095 bonds - Value of delisted bonds (by par value): VND 1,602,209,500,000 - Delisting date: 19/2/2024 - Last trading day on HNX: 16/2/2024 - Reason for delisting: being buy-back by the issuers before its maturity (based on Point a, Clause 5, Article 120, Decree No.155/ 2020/ ND-CP regulating the implementation of some articles of Securities Law dated 31 Dec 2020).
> Vietnam’s corporate bond market could grow to US$100bn: Finance Minister (15/02/2024)
> HAH: Approving the result of bond private placement (15/02/2024)
> DRH: Adjustment to DRHH2224001bond information (15/02/2024)
> VPI: Result of bond public offering (15/02/2024)
> VPI: Correction of bond public offering result (15/02/2024)
> HNX: Trading results of corporate bonds on 15/02/2024 (15/02/2024)
> BVB123025: 15/01/2024, first trading day of listed corporate bonds of Viet Capital Commercial Joint Stock Bank (BVB123025) (15/02/2024)
> CTG123033: 12/01/2024, first trading day of listed corporate bonds of Vietinbank (CTG123033) (15/02/2024)
> CTG123034: 12/01/2024, first trading day of listed corporate bonds of Vietinbank (CTG123034) (15/02/2024)