VNC: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Mr. Phan Van Hung)
- Name of issuer: Vinacontrol Group Corporation - Stock code: VNC - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility /Director: Mr. Phan Van Hung - Position in the listed company: Member of the BOD, Deputy General Manager - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 10,960 shares (0.1%) - Nature of transaction: Outside the system - Number of shares to be acquired: 3,150,000 shares - Reason for transaction: Increase shareholding - Expected Start date of transaction: 10/01/2024 - Expected End date of transaction: 31/01/2024
> POM: Notification affiliated person trade (09/01/2024)
> OCB: Notification affiliated person trade (09/01/2024)
> HAG: Notification affiliated person trade (09/01/2024)
> TMS: Report affiliated person trade (09/01/2024)
> FCN: Notification insider transaction (09/01/2024)
> DBC: Notification insider transaction (09/01/2024)
> BMC: Notification affiliated person trade (09/01/2024)
> DXG: Notification insider transaction (09/01/2024)
> DXS: Notification insider and affiliated person transaction (09/01/2024)
> JOS: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Le Tu Trinh) (09/01/2024)