HTC: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Le Van Teo)
- Name of issuer: HocMon Trade JSC - Stock code: HTC - Securities type: Common stock - Name of person discharging managerial responsibility /Director: Le Van Teo - Position in the listed company: Chief of the Supervisory Board - Number of shares held by the shareholder before transaction: 57,750 shares (0.35%) - Number of shares registered for sale: 20,000 shares - Number of shares disposed: 20,000 shares - Total holding following transaction: 37,750 shares - Total percentage holding following transaction: 0.23% - Start date of transaction: 03/01/2024 - End date of transaction: 03/01/2024
> LBE: New principal shareholder - Truong Thanh Minh (10/01/2024)
> OCB: Granting credit limit to affiliated person (10/01/2024)
> AGP: Notice of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Pham Uyen Nguyen) (10/01/2024)
> BCA: Result of transaction of Directors, PDMR (Dang Ngoc Hung) (10/01/2024)
> HVT: Change in shareholding of principal shareholder (Le Xuan Luong) (10/01/2024)
> DXP: Notice of transaction of connected institution (Tratimex P&L JSC) (10/01/2024)
> SCD: Change of ownership of major shareholders (10/01/2024)
> TMS: Notification affiliated person trade (10/01/2024)
> LPB: Report affiliated person trade (10/01/2024)
> HPM: Notice of transaction of connected person (Hoang Thanh Thuy) (10/01/2024)