PVL: Report on ownership changes of major shareholders - Name of investor: Trinh Quoc Khanh
- Name of related person: Nguyen Thi Hai Lien
Relationship with investor: Wife
- Stock code: PVL
- Number and rate of holding shares before transaction:
+ Trinh Quoc Khanh: 3,933,600 shares (7.87%)
+ Nguyen Thi Hai Lien: 600,100 shares (1.20%)
Total: 4,533,700 shares (9.07%)
- Number of shares acquired (leading to an ownership rate change 1%): 81,600 shares
+ Trinh Quoc Khanh: 71,600 shares (0.14%)
+ Nguyen Thi Hai Lien: 10,000 shares (0.02%)
Total: 81,600 shares (0.16%)
- Number and rate of holding shares after the transaction:
+ Trinh Quoc Khanh: 4,005,200 shares (8.01%)
+ Nguyen Thi Hai Lien: 610,100 shares (1.22%)
Total: 4,615,300 shares (9.23%)
- Number and rate of shares held by related person: 0 share (0% of outstanding shares)
- Number and rate of shares held along with related person after the transaction: 4,615,300 shares (9.23% of outstanding shares)
- Reason for changing ownership: increase ownership rate
- Trading date: 01/12/2023. HNX