VHC: Notification affiliated person trade
Notification affiliated person trade of Vinh Hoan Corporation as follows:
> VTO: Notification insider transaction (02/11/2023)
> HPG: Notification affiliated person trade (02/11/2023)
> DRH: Notification affiliated person trade (02/11/2023)
> CKG: Notification insider transaction (02/11/2023)
> EVF: Report insider transaction - Le Manh Linh, Mai Danh Hien (27.10.2023), Pham Trung Kien (27.10.2023) (02/11/2023)
> E1VFVN30: Report affiliated person trade (HSC) (02/11/2023)
> FUEVFVND: Report affiliated person trade (HSC) (02/11/2023)
> VHC: Notification insider and affiliated person transaction (01/11/2023)
> HTN: Report affiliated person trade (01/11/2023)
> KPF: Notification insider transaction (01/11/2023)