IROnline: A solution for building an Investor Relations website that enhances the value of a listed company in the eyes of investors
The quality of information disclosure on the Vietnamese stock market has been improving over time as listed companies are increasingly focusing on IR activities. The stronger the IR activities, the more transparent and quickly conveyed the information, the more the company's image and brand will be deeply ingrained in the memory of investors.
The mission of IR activities is to convey the value of the company to the investor community, which is the key to increasing the actual value of stocks by bridging the gap between the company and the investor community. One of the tasks of IR is to make the company stand out among the thousands of other listed companies, attract investor interest, and strive for sustainable business value.
The importance of a website is crucial in IR activities. However, building and developing the content of a website that meets all the criteria is not easy, especially for new or preparing-to-list companies. Understanding this need, Vietstock provides a comprehensive solution to help companies build and manage a professional and modern IR website called IROnline.
IROnline is a tool that has been fully developed by Vietstock, from programming and design to updating the company's information content. It is used to integrate into a website as a dedicated IR/shareholder relations section for listed companies.
The IR section features a structured and user-friendly website design, customized to the company's brand identity. It provides comprehensive and up-to-date information to satisfy any shareholder or potential investor.
With Vietstock's IROnline service, businesses won't incur any costs for website design and programming. Furthermore, they don't need to worry about subsequent operations because the Vietstock team handles everything from technical aspects to daily updates of the investor relations page.
With over 20 years of experience in financial communication, developing financial and securities information portals, stock market research websites, and online securities investment tools, Vietstock's IROnline service is a valuable solution for listed companies.
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