C32: Report affiliated person trade
Report affiliated person trade of CIC39 Corporation as follows:
> NLG: Notification insider transaction (10/11/2023)
> POM: Notification affiliated person trade (10/11/2023)
> VHC: Report insider transaction and affiliated person trade (10/11/2023)
> TIP: Notification insider transaction (10/11/2023)
> FUESSV30: Notification affiliated person trade (10/11/2023)
> FUESSV30: Report affiliated person trade (10/11/2023)
> CII: Notification insider transaction - Le Quoc Binh (10/11/2023)
> CII: Report insider transaction - Le Quoc Binh (10/11/2023)
> DGC: Report on the day becoming major shareholders - Truong Ngoc Phuong (09.11.2023) (10/11/2023)
> HAH: Notification insider transaction - Mr. Vu Doan Hanh (10/11/2023)