TCL: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders - America LLC (25.10.2023)
Report on change of ownership of major shareholders - America LLC (25.10.2023) of Tan Cang Logistics and Stevedoring Joint Stock Company as follows:
> TDH: Report insider transaction - Nguyen Quang Nghia (31/10/2023)
> VDP: Report affiliated person trade - NUTRI KOREA, PHUC LAI THANH (31/10/2023)
> CII: Notification insider transaction - Nguyen Van Thanh (31/10/2023)
> CKG: Report on change of ownership of major shareholders - NGUYENXUANDUNG (31/10/2023)
> KSB: Report insider transaction (Nguyen Hoanh Son) (31/10/2023)
> FUEDCMID: Notification affiliated person trade - Phuc An Fund, Thinh An Fund, Vinh An Fund (01.11.2023 - 30.11.2023) (31/10/2023)
> HPG: Notification insider transaction (30/10/2023)
> VHC: Notification insider transaction (30/10/2023)
> HPG: Notification affiliated person trade - Tran Vu Minh, Vu Thi Hien (30/10/2023)
> TMS: Report affiliated person trade - Haneco (correction) (30/10/2023)