HOSE: The securities brokerage market share of 10 leading securities companies in Quarter III.2023
The securities brokerage market share of 10 leading securities companies in Quarter III.2023 as follows:
> TCD: BOD resolution on loan (09/10/2023)
> YEG: Record date for collecting shareholders' written opinions (09/10/2023)
> MIG: Relocation of MIC Kien Giang (09/10/2023)
> BCG: BOD resolution dated October 05, 2023 (06/10/2023)
> VRE.KIS.M.CA.T.30: Certificate for offering of covered warrant (06/10/2023)
> VRE.KIS.M.CA.T.31: Certificate for offering of covered warrant (06/10/2023)
> VRE.KIS.M.CA.T.32: Certificate for offering of covered warrant (06/10/2023)
> VNM.KIS.M.CA.T.26: Certificate for offering of covered warrant (06/10/2023)
> VNM.KIS.M.CA.T.27: Certificate for offering of covered warrant (06/10/2023)
> VPB.KIS.M.CA.T.09: Certificate for offering of covered warrant (06/10/2023)