CVNM2301: The record date for rights exercise due to maturity
The record date for rights exercise due to maturity as follows:
> VNL: Decision on tax penalty (10/10/2023)
> DGW: Signing credit contract (10/10/2023)
> ELC: Notice of collecting shareholders' written opinions (10/10/2023)
> SHB: Agreement with SHS (10/10/2023)
> CKG: CKG put into supervision status (10/10/2023)
> CNG: BOD resolution dated October 05, 2023 (10/10/2023)
> DCM: Signing amendment agreement with PVN (10/10/2023)
> UIC: The record date for the EGM (10/10/2023)
> ACC: Receiving the Certificate of Business Registration (10/10/2023)
> CIG: BOD Resolution (10/10/2023)