SAB: Result of share issuance for capital increase
Result of share issuance for capital increase of Saigon Beer – Alcohol – Beverage Corporation as follows:
> VPB: List of employees participating to buy shares in the stock issuance under ESOP (22/09/2023)
> HSL: BoD approves to issue shares the dividend payment (22/09/2023)
> HBC: Notice of representative of contributed capital in Saigon Rach Gia (22/09/2023)
> SVT: Approving the result of stock issuance for 2022 dividend payment (21/09/2023)
> SVT: Result of stock issuance for dividend payment (21/09/2023)
> VIC: Adjustment of bond issuance plan to the international market (21/09/2023)
> HAX: SSC received the documents of share issuance under ESOP (21/09/2023)
> HAX: Stock issuance under ESOP (21/09/2023)
> PGC: Notification affiliated person trade - MB Capital (21/09/2023)
> GMD: SSC approved the result of share issuance under ESOP (20/09/2023)