OCB: The record date for the additional issue to increase the equity
The record date for the additional issue to increase the equity of Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank as follows:
> ACC: Report on using capital from the offering (15/09/2023)
> YEG: Increasing charter capital and amending charter (15/09/2023)
> VSC: Approving the result of stock issuance for 2022 dividend payment (14/09/2023)
> VSC: Result of stock issuance for 2022 dividend payment (14/09/2023)
> EIB: Record date for stock issuance to pay dividend (14/09/2023)
> VPB: BoD approves to issue shares the ESOP (14/09/2023)
> IMP: SSC received the documents of share issuance (14/09/2023)
> CRE: Resolution on stock issuance to pay dividend (after adjustment) (13/09/2023)
> GAS: Notice of stock issuance for capital increase (13/09/2023)
> HAH: Plan for using capital from the convertible bond issuance (13/09/2023)