VPB: Adjusting the content related to stoc issuance under ESP
Adjusting the content related to stoc issuance under ESP of VietNam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank as follows:
> GMD: SSC received the documents of share issuance (20/07/2023)
> CMG: Plan to withdraw ESOP shares (20/07/2023)
> CTF: BoD approves to issue shares the ESOP (19/07/2023)
> HVH: Result of stock issuance for dividend payment (19/07/2023)
> TCD: Change of representative of contributed capital in Tracodi E&C (19/07/2023)
> GEX: Report on using capital from the offering (19/07/2023)
> SHI: Report on using capital from the offering (18/07/2023)
> TVB: Plan for purchasing shares to decrease charter capital (18/07/2023)
> VHC: Additional capital contribution in TNG Food (18/07/2023)
> VPB.VND.M.CA.T.2023.2: Notice of issue of covered warrant (18/07/2023)