VRC: BOD resolution dated June 08, 2023
The Board resolution dated June 08, 2023, the Board of Directors of VRC Real Estate and Investment Joint Stock Company approved the following issues:
1) Approved the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be expected to hold on June 29, 2023.
2) Approved the supplement of some of contents of the Annual General Meeting 2023.
3) Approved the documents of the Annual General Meeting 2023.
> VNS: Notice of foreign ownership ratio limit (13/06/2023)
> SBA: BOD resolution dated June 12, 2023 (13/06/2023)
> VNS: Change in content of business registration (13/06/2023)
> TDM: Receiving the transfer of shares (13/06/2023)
> VSI: Decision on tax penalties (13/06/2023)
> LIX: Notice of foreign ownership ratio limit (13/06/2023)
> OCB: BOD resolution dated June 12, 2023 (13/06/2023)
> FTS: FTS signs an Auditing Contract (13/06/2023)
> DRC: DRC signs an Auditing Contract (13/06/2023)
> HAG: HAG signs an Auditing Contract (13/06/2023)