NHA: Resolution on the AGM 2023 On April 19, 2023, Ha Noi South Housing And Urban Development Corporation announces the resolution of annual general meeting 2023 to approve the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the reports of the BOD in 2022 and plan for 2023.
a) Business result in 2022:
- Revenue: 108,276,033,433 dongs
- Profit after tax: 1,872,404,160 dongs
b) Business plan in 2023:
- Revenue: 130,000,000,000
- Profit after tax: 25,000,000,000 dongs
- Dividend: 5%
2) The AGM approved the reports of the Supervisory Board in 2022 and plan for 2023.
3) The AGM approved the audited financial statement in 2022.
4) The AGM approved the profit allocation in 2022.
a) Profit after tax: 1,872,404,160 dongs
b) Accumulated profit at December 31, 2022: 5,165,014,867 dongs
c) Remaining profit after being distributed: 5,165,014,867 dongs
5) The AGM approved the remuneration of the BOD, Supervisory Board in 2022 and plan for 2023.
6) The AGM approved the selection list of audit firms to conduct the audit of financial statement in 2023.
7) The AGM approved the resignation of Mr. Dang Van Lanh – member of the BOD for the term 2020-2025.
8) The AGM approved the additional election of Mr. Nguyen Dac Long and Mr, Tran Ngoc Tuyen as members of the BOD for the term 2023-2025. HOSE