DGW: Increasing charter capital in DGVenture
Increasing charter capital in DGVenture of Digiworld Corporation as follows;
> HCM: Plan for issuance of covered warrants (15/06/2023)
> BSI: Notice of stock issuance for capital increase (15/06/2023)
> BSI: Notice of stock issuance for the dividend payment (15/06/2023)
> SBT: Stock issuance for dividend payment (14/06/2023)
> DQC: Resolution on approval of the charter capital increase (14/06/2023)
> FRT: Result of stock issuance for dividend payment (14/06/2023)
> VIB: Approving the record date to issue bonus shares (13/06/2023)
> VIB: Stock issuance for capital increase (13/06/2023)
> SZC: SSC received the documents of stock issuance for dividend payment (13/06/2023)
> CTD: Report on results of trading of shares by an internal shareholder (ESOP) (13/06/2023)