VPI: Board resolution on loan agreement
On May 12, 2023, Van Phu - Invest Investment Joint Stock Company (VPI) signed loan agreement between VPI and Van Phu - Giang Vo Investment One Member Company Limited.
> SZC: Signing agreement with Sonadezi Long Binh (15/05/2023)
> TDP: BOD resolution dated May 12, 2023 (15/05/2023)
> SKG: BOD resolution dated May 12, 2023 (15/05/2023)
> HOSE: Thống kê giao dịch tự doanh (ngày 15/05/2023) (15/05/2023)
> HOSE: Proprietary Trading (15 May 2023) (15/05/2023)
> HCM: Approved to renew credit line at VIB (15/05/2023)
> ABR: Explanation for jumping to ceiling prices (15/05/2023)
> BVH: Approving the transaction with related party (15/05/2023)
> CDC: Approving the transaction with related parties (15/05/2023)
> DAG: Reminder of information disclosure (15/05/2023)