VIC: Resolution on the AGM 2023 (source VIC)
Resolution on the AGM 2023 (source VIC) of Vingroup Joint Stock Company as follows:
> HQC: Change in 36th Business Registration Certificate (22/05/2023)
> HQC: Change in the content of business registration Certificate (22/05/2023)
> POM: Explanation of loss in financial statement (19/05/2023)
> HTN: Holding AGM 2023 (19/05/2023)
> ST8: Explanation of the holding company’s revenue (19/05/2023)
> TDG: Approved the project investor (19/05/2023)
> HDB: Change of Tan Mai Transaction Office Address (19/05/2023)
> STB: Explanation for consolidated financial statements in Quarter 1/2023 (18/05/2023)
> STB: Explanation for separate financial statements in Quarter 1.2023 (18/05/2023)
> POW: Explanation for the financial statements in Quarter 1.2023 (18/05/2023)