TGG: BOD resolution dated May 22, 2023
The Board resolution dated May 22, 2023, the Board of Directors of The Golden Group Joint Stock Company approved the transfer of Hoa Binh Pig Farm project to Pomax Herbal Company Limited with the transfer value of VND16 billion.
> CTCB2214: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CVHM2218: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CFPT2212: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CHPG2225: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CMSN2214: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CMBB2213: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CMWG2213: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CPOW2210: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CVNM2211: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)
> CVRE2219: The record date for the list of holders (23/05/2023)