JVC: Resolution on the AGM 2023 Japan Vietnam Medical Instrument Joint Stock Company announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2023 dated May 19, 2023 with the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the BOD, the Supervisory Board activities report in 2022, 2023.
2) The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2023.
3) The AGM approved profit distribution plan for 2022.
4) The AGM approved the plan to pay remuneration to the members of BOD and Supervisory Board in 2022, 2023.
5) The AGM approved the additional election of member of the BOD in the term 2021 – 2026, including:
- Nguyen Hai Ha.
6) The AGM approved the resignation of Mr. Le Minh Chung as a member of the BOD in the term 2021 – 2026. HOSE