HOSE: Proprietary Trading (29 May 2023)
Proprietary Trading Day 29 May 2023 as follows:
> HPX: Overcome the status of controlled securities (29/05/2023)
> HNG: New website address Hoang Anh Gia Lai Agriculture Joint Stock Company announces the new website address: https://www.haagrico.com (29/05/2023)
> HRC: Board resolution dated May 26, 2023 (29/05/2023)
> TGG: Change of name in the company charter (29/05/2023)
> VOS: Approving the credit limit (29/05/2023)
> LPB: Change of website address (29/05/2023)
> SFI: Signing the agreement with AASC (29/05/2023)
> HQC: Signing audit contract with AFC Viet Nam (29/05/2023)
> NVL: Board Resolution (29/05/2023)
> GMH: Notice of Trading of Shares by an internal shareholder (29/05/2023)