SBV: Personnel change
The Board resolution dated April 26, 2023, the Board of Directors of Siam Brothers Vietnam Joint Stock Company approved the resignation of Mr. Phan Le Thanh Long – independent member of the BOD from April 25, 2023.
> PET: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> UIC: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> TPC: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> TLD: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> HT1: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> MBB: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> MCP: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> KPF: Personnel change (27/04/2023)
> FUEVN100: Change in personnel (27/04/2023)
> HCM: Change in Personnel (27/04/2023)