FUEDCMID: Resolution on the AGM 2022 On April 12, 2023, DCVFMVNMIDCAP ETF announces the resolution of annual general meeting for the fiscal year 2022 to approve the following contents:
1) The AGM approved the result of the Fund’s activities in 2022.
2) The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2022.
3) The AGM approved the 2022 profit allocation.
4) The AGM approved the plan for the Fund’s activities in 2023.
5) The AGM approved the selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2023.
6) The AGM approved the remuneration of the Fund Representative Board:
- In 2023: 78,000,000 dongs
- In 2022: 27,895,360 dongs
7) The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the Fund charter.