DBC: Submitting the listing registration documents On March 15, 2023, HOSE received the initial listing registration documents from Bao Chau Pharmaceutical Group Joint Stock Company as follows:
- Name of company: Bao Chau Pharmaceutical Group Joint Stock Company
- Head office: group 12, Vi Xuyen town, Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province, Vietnam.
- Short name: DBC
- Tel: 0219 382 5828 Fax: 0219 382 5828
- Website: https://duocbaochau.com.vn
- Stock type: common stock
- Stock code: BCH
- Charter capital: VND215,000,000,000
- Registered listing volume: 21,500,000 shares
- Consulting company: Petro Vietnam Securities Incorporated (PSI).
- Date of receipt of the documents: March 13, 2023.