THI: Plan for bond redemption before maturity The Board resolution dated February 07, 2023, the BOD of Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Company approved the repurchase of part of bonds before maturity with details as follows:
- Issuer: Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Company
- Bond code: THIH2126001
- Par value: 100,000,000 dongs/bond
- Total value of issuance (at par value): VND400,000,000,000
- Total outstanding value (at par value): VND320,000,000,000
- Bond term: 05 years
- Issue date: December 31, 2021
- Maturity date: December 31, 2026
- Interest rate:
+ For the first interest period: 7.5%/year
+ For next interest periods: sum of 3.00%/year and the reference interest rate. In particular, the reference interest rate is the average of the interest rates of personal savings (deferred interest payment) with a term of 12 months.
- Expected repurchase volume: 1,200 bonds, equivalent to VND120,000,000,000 (at par value).
- Record date: February 09, 2023
- Repurchase time: February 24, 2023. HOSE