ST8: Change of corporate structure and financial statements On February 07, 2023, Sieu Thanh Joint Stock Corporation announces the registration of the change of corporate structure and financial statements as follows:
- Information before change:
- Corporate structure:
x Having no affiliates or sub-units
□ Having sub-units
□ Having affiliates
□ Having affiliates and sub-units
2. Type of financial statements to be disclosed:
x Separate financial statements
□ Combined financial statements
□ Consolidated financial statements
II. Information after change:
1. Corporate structure:
□ Having no affiliates or sub-units
□ Having sub-units
x Having affiliates
□ Having affiliates and sub-units
2. Financial statements to be disclosed
x Separate financial statements
□ Combined financial statements
x Consolidated financial statements.
- Reason for change: On February 07, 2023, Sieu Thanh Joint Stock Corporation became a subsidiary of ST8.
- Effective date: February 07, 2023. HOSE