SCS: BoD approves to issue shares to the ESOP
On February 01, 2023, the Board of Directors of Sai Gon Cargo Service Corporation approved a plan for issuing shares to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP):
> FIR: Notice of stock issuance for the dividend payment (correction) (03/02/2023)
> PNJ: Change of charter capital (02/02/2023)
> DPR: Notice of share swap issuance (02/02/2023)
> DPR: Certificate of swap share issuance (02/02/2023)
> TNH: Borrowed capital for the Viet Yen Hospital project (02/02/2023)
> EIB: SSC received the materials of the share issuance to pay dividend (01/02/2023)
> FIR: BoD approves to issue shares to the dividend payment (01/02/2023)
> ANV: Notice of stock issuance for the ESOP (01/02/2023)
> FIR: Notice of stock issuance for the dividend payment (01/02/2023)
> HPG.01.PHS.C.EU.Cash : Notice of issuance of Covered Warrant (01/02/2023)