LPB: Notice of interest rate for the 2nd bond payment period
Lien Viet Post Joint Stock Commercial Bank announces the interest rate for the 2nd interest payment of LPB122010 bond and LPB122011 bond (from February 28, 2023 to excluding February 28, 2024) as follows:
- Interest rate:
+ LPB122010: 9.3%/year
+ LPB122011: 9.6%/year.
> BAF: SSC approved the dossier of convertible bonds private placement (21/02/2023)
> TDC: Periodic report on bond principal & interest payments (20/02/2023)
> MOF considers allowing businesses to pay bond interest in shares, realty products (20/02/2023)
> VSH: Notice of bond repurchase before maturity (4th) (16/02/2023)
> HAX: Resolution on the bond conversion into shares (15/02/2023)
> HAX: Result of stock issuance for convertible bonds (15/02/2023)
> BCG: Adjustment of the plan for using capital from the bond offering (14/02/2023)
> Nearly $1.4 billion worth of G-bonds raised in January (13/02/2023)