AGM: Change in Personnel
An Giang Import - Export Company announces the change in personnel as follows:
Mr. Pham Tri Tin
- Resigned position: a member of internal audit department
- Reason (if any):
- Effective date: January 12, 2023.
> EIB: Change of branch & transaction offices address (13/01/2023)
> VDS: BOD resolution on the holding of AGM 2022 (13/01/2023)
> VHC: Report on ownership change of Group of related foreign investors (13/01/2023)
> HOSE: Foreign Investors Shareholding Data 12 Jan 2023 (12/01/2023)
> NCT: Change in 11st Business Registration Certificate (12/01/2023)
> CMX: Resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders (12/01/2023)
> VPB: Change of branch address (12/01/2023)
> VPB: Setting up a transaction office (12/01/2023)
> VSC: Notice of the record date for the 2023 AGM (12/01/2023)
> EIB: Setting up branches and transaction offices (12/01/2023)