LDG: Additional capital contribution in subsidiary
On December 27, 2022, the BOD of LDG Investment Joint Stock Company resolution regarding the additional capital contribution in Sai Gon Real Estate Development and Investment Joint Stock Company (is a subsidiary of LDG). Here are the specific:
- Charter capital before the additional contribution: VND180,000,000,000
- Additional capital contribution: VND100,000,000,000 equivalent to 10,000,000 shares.
> MBB/BSC/C/6M/EU/Cash/2022-02: Notice of issue of covered warrant (28/12/2022)
> MBB/BSC/C/6M/EU/Cash/2022-01: Notice of issue of covered warrant (28/12/2022)
> HPG/BSC/C/9M/EU/Cash/2022-02: Notice of issue of covered warrant (28/12/2022)
> FPT/BSC/C/6M/EU/Cash/2022-01: Notice of issue of covered warrant (28/12/2022)
> HPG/BSC/C/6M/EU/Cash/2022-01: Notice of issue of covered warrant (28/12/2022)
> VPB/BSC/C/9M/EU/Cash/2022-01: Notice of issue of covered warrant (28/12/2022)
> GDT: Notice of stock issuance for the dividend payment (28/12/2022)
> DHC: Result of share issuance for 2021 dividend payment (28/12/2022)
> LDG: SSC approved the result of share issuance for dividend payment (27/12/2022)
> APG: Plan for stock issuance to pay dividend for 2021 (27/12/2022)